Pictures and Post of Our Freedoms We Enjoy in America
Thursday, August 31, 2023
100 Random Acts of Kindness That Will Make You Cry! Best of October
Good people still exist.
Faith in Kindness.
Help one another as we always have.
One Nation Under God. Amen
Eternal values such as freedom, truth, goodness, and beauty are significant precisely because, taken together, they offer every individual the opportunity to live a fulfilling life. Thus, serving these values is a sacred endeavor.
GEORGIA Fraud was the worst of all:
2,056 felons illegally voted
66,248 under 18 voted
2,423 weren’t registered at all
1,043 used a PO Box
4,926 voted past the reg. date
10,315 died before the election
395 voted in two states
15,700 moved out of state
40,279 changed county
Trump and 18 others charged 41 counts for exposing election theft. These dark days in America #RicoAct#RICOForTrump