Tuesday, September 17, 2024

  Springfield, OH just made every American aware their state is a border state.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

  You have to forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. That means don’t let the hurts, the bad breaks, the times you were taken advantage of sour the rest of your life and cause you to live with a chip on your shoulder. God knows how to vindicate you.

 Sometimes, we’re waiting for people to change, and then we’ll accept them. But God says, “Come just as you are." God waited for us when we were off course. He showed us mercy when we weren’t at our best. Now we need to take that same mercy and show it to someone else.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

The question comes down to this: do you want current trends to continue for 4 more years or do you want change?

 Aurora police have arrested 10 alleged members of the Tren de Aragua, a large criminal organization from Venezuela, and charged them with various offenses — including first-degree assault, aggravated assault, shootings, a hit-and-run crash, a domestic dispute and other instances of assault. 


Thursday, September 12, 2024

‘Their fact checks were erroneous’: Megyn Kelly torches ABC's debate moderators.

I have stopped watching ABC, NBC, CBS. Mainstream
media has lost all my respect. They suck and are

The ABC Moderators Didn’t Fact Check the Real Liar

How delusional must one be to STILL be voting for ANY democrat?

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

 ABC Millions of Americans know you 

lied about Trump being wrong. When in 

fact again and again Trump told the truth. 


 They are eating peoples animals.  

ABC is Paid by Democrats. 

Trump had to Debate 3 people last night and 

still won. 

Americans know only ABC is allowed to interview

Kamala Harris. Rigged....  

Americans are not stupid. ABC helped Trump in so many ways. 

Fact Check this ....  

Libs, Woke, ABC, CNN, etc.,  what a joke you are. 

  ABC Fact Checkers are paid by the Democrats.

Trump told the truth again and again and ABC got it wrong again. #ABC .... dems paid off abc .... Trump told the truth - liars #TrumpToSaveAmerica WHAT IS HAPPENING in Springfield, Ohio?? youtu.be/gR-8ik1b7Lc?si via

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Judge Jeanine: Kamala just got caught copying and pasting Biden's policies

WHAT IS HAPPENING in Springfield, Ohio??

Uncontrolled illegal immigration, across a chaotic and completely unregulated Southern border, is the designed intention of Democrat policy. The Democrat party believes it gains an electoral advantage by having the largest possible dependent underclass, and a sure-fire way to expand the dependent underclass is to allow anyone to walk across the Southern border and stay, on any pretense or on no pretense at all. This is happening because the Democrat party wants it to happen. The tradition of immigration into the US was built at a time when there was little to no publicly-funded social safety net and when the immigrants had little choice but to assimilate into American culture. With public debt at the Federal level alone (not mentioning State and Local) roughly equivalent to all the money in the world, and with identity politics valuing any non-American national identity more than an American identity, the US can afford neither fiscally nor culturally to continue Democrat policies on immigration.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

  Isaiah said, “God is longing to be good to people who are looking for His goodness.” Are you looking for God’s goodness? Are you expecting favor, believing to rise higher, to accomplish what He put in your heart? God meets you at the level of your expectations.

 God didn’t create you to get stuck at one level and stay there. He has new opportunities, new relationships, new favor. It may look like you’ll always struggle in your life. No, get ready; something new is coming.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

   Always be proud of who you are. Your ancestors fought

for your freedoms - Be proud. Everyone's ancestors were 

slaves at some point in time in human history. Irish were 

slaves, Scottish were slaves, white people, Chinese were 

slaves, Mexicans were slaves, everybody's been slaves 

throughout human history. 

 No one owes anyone anything. No one alive today was a 

slave. Be proud of your ancestors who fought for your 

freedoms and who were slaves themselves and moved on. 

Our Irish ancestors and Scottish ancestors were slaves for 

over 800 years. And they were the first slaves in America

Irish and Scottish slaves. First in America. Yet we don't 

cry about it. We moved on. Wish so many others would 

do the same.  If you don't like America leave already. 

 Proud American. Proud Veteran. Proud to be white. 

Proud white man. Proud of my ancestors fighting for our 

freedoms and fighting slavery to be free themselves and 

not cry about it. 


 God Bless America.  The greatest country ever.


Sunday, September 1, 2024

  Have you let people, circumstances, doubt, negativity, rewrite your story? Don’t let someone else become the author. Take the pen back and tell your story.

  You are a child of God. You have to get your value from who you are and not what you do. Otherwise, you’ll spend your whole life competing with others, trying to prove your importance.