Sunday, March 9, 2025

  You’ve been exceptionally made. God calls you a masterpiece. But we go through life and we make mistakes, we feel condemned, not valuable. The beauty is, despite all the flaws, the weaknesses and disappointments, God sees the masterpiece. He knows who you really are.

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Soldier STRANGLES Active Shooter!

The Judge should be charged as an accessory to murder of the bus driver

Damn, that cop didn't want to be the next headline on CNN,
so he took the chance of not using deadly force and almost
died because of it.

I appreciate it when you call out the judges that are letting
these violent offenders loose on society. People should
know who to hold accountable.

Rear naked choke. Learned it in basic, refined it in barracks life. Yea, army had that move on point. Good job specialist! E4 MAFIA!!!

"My 7 Kids Get $2,100 In Food Stamps," Woman Brags About Having 4 Different baby daddys

"What does me having seven kids got to do with anything" EVERYTHING

“4 of them have daddies”😂 ma’am, that is not a flex

I’m taking care of her kids. This makes me sick. All my taxes
go to these leeches. This is why ppl voted for Trump.
She’s not my wife yet I’m paying for her kids.

Friday, March 7, 2025


Dear Younger Ladies...take notes!!!!
So I need to breakdown the "Friend Code" for some of you, because clearly there's too many girls going missing or getting killed.
This is how we "Old Schoolers" roll.
•Code 1: " We leave together... We stay together.... We come back together. NO you’re not leaving with some RANDOM dude & NO I'm not leaving you at the party by yourself!
• Code 2 " Both of us can't be sh*t face drunk (neither of you should) , at least one person needs to be alert & aware of our surroundings!
•Code 3 " If you got to go to the bathroom or outside ." WE ARE ALL GOING TO THE DAMN BATHROOM AND OUTSIDE!!" Period!
•Code 4 " We don't accept drinks from strangers unless we're at the bar and watch the bartender pour".
• Code 5 " if I feel like you’re too drunk to function , we are leaving the party early". (We'll fuss about you messing up the night later)
• Code 6 " if you just so happen to go missing. I will give you a maximum of 15-30 mins to show up before I Shut the place down and we ALL are going to be looking for your ass!!! FOR REAL!!! Everybody else can call the police cause I ain't going home without you!
• Code 7 "If you're fighting it better be one on one, otherwise we are all fighting" (Hopefully this ain't jumpin off cause we are too classy and ladies)
• Code 8 and the golden rule, "The drop off person checks in or everyone who drove checks in when getting home" If we don't hear from you, we are coming to ya house
Because these generations got the Friend Code messed up! ! This is how we were raised...

Thursday, March 6, 2025

HILARIOUS Comedians DESTROY DEI the FUNNIEST Way Possible! 😂 Can't Stop ...

We Have A Mental Health Crisis In This Country.

I’ve worked as an ER RN for 16 years and I’ve dealt with a lot of Psych patients. I’ve never had a Trans Patient that didn’t have a whole slew of multiple psych conditions. Usually a combination of the Borderline/Narcissistic/Historionic/Oppositional Defiant/Panic disorders. They’re extremely manipulative and will go from extremely nice to your worse enemy in the blink of an eye. It’s like dealing with a 4 year old. I see them with a lot of malingering tendencies, conversions symptoms (faking siezures for pain meds/personal gains). I had a frequent flier who would go into a catatonic event or seizure after she got “yelled at” by her boss. I had another one who would fall asleep at work and to avoid trouble, he would claim Suicida! Ideation. This would happen often, weekly. This was a Military facility. These people are an emotional black-hole of need and are a nightmare to deal with. I will not go into a room alone with one; it’s a liability. The unfortunate thing is, family members and society enable this behavior.

10 Times Denzel Washington DESTROYED Rude Interviewers..

Yes.. Denzel is calling out the media for being fake.. love it

I’m a 75 year old white woman. I think Denzel is the best American.
He is a good family man and I wish there were more men like him
and there wouldn’t be so many messed up kids if they had a father
like him.

Truth sets you free and someone talking sense WOW

He is a great man and thinks like so many of us do!
Love this guy so much!

HILARIOUS Comedians ROAST Joe Biden For 17 Minutes Straight! 🤣🔥

Hilarious! Ppl need to laugh more. Thanks for putting these clips together.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Reacting to Trump’s Address

Incredible speech. With so many touching moments. Like that
sweet boy battling cancer. I got teary-eyed when he hugged Sean Curran.
How could anyone watch that and not smile and applaud. Only heartless people.

If they can't clap for a child with brain cancer, they need to
drop the whole, "We're loving, compassionate, and inclusive."

My heart hurts for that mother. Tears!

Hey Amala I'm a big fan of your work and you are a big inspiration
for younger generations to get into politics and differ right from wrong,
thank you for being here and spreading the truth!!

BREAKING NEWS: Karoline Leavitt Holds White House Press Briefing. She was on point.

As an Independent in CA I’m shocked to see how delusional
the Democrats have become because of their HATED towards
one person! They are so out of touch with reality they really
need to get mental help!

It's so refreshing to listen to Leavitt- her energy and enthusiasm
is wonderful. She knows her stuff and answers questions citing facts.
Thank you- Glad to be a proud American!

As a Moderate Democrate from CA i will continue to vote Republican
until they get their sh$t together.

80-yr-Old Passenger Lands ENGINE OUT After Pilot Dies!

God Bless Helen.  Cool and amazing under such pressure. 

I'm still tripping that during all of this her dead husband,
her life partner, is right there. So many freakin emotions!
I'm glad she succeeded. My most sincerest condolences to Helen.

It breaks my heart that she lost her husband, but I am also amazed
at how cool she handled taking the controls and landing.
What an amazing woman!

Sunday, March 2, 2025

  You are not at the mercy of your circumstances, how you were raised, what the medical report says, the bad breaks that have held you back. There is a power working in you that is greater than anything trying to stop you. What God has purposed will come to pass.

  The Scripture says, "What God has blessed no man can curse." The blessing on you is more powerful than any betrayal, than any negative word spoken over you, than how you were raised, than people trying to discredit you.

 What God promised you is still on the way, but the enemy will work overtime, telling you all the reasons it’s not going to happen. Don’t believe those lies. “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Breaking: President Trump and VP Vance Spar with Zelensky in the Oval Of...

I don't care what any old guard says....
THIS is the KIND of transparency we WANT! This was incredible!!!

A320's Sensor Freeze | Mayday Air Disaster

I hope Airbus made that "manual trim" warning more obvious.
Not just like a little engine oil light that comes on as a suggestion.

Government Employees Under Audit! Panic Mode Activated! Are You Next?

They hire 80 thousand IRS agents to go after $600 of ours,
meanwhile they are filling their pockets with millions.
Hell yes I want them audited, then I want them jailed.

Guilty dogs always bark the loudest.


No Chips, No Soda? Surviving the New EBT Food Stamp Rules in 2025 | Peop...

Real food should have always been a thing for EBT approved foods.

Too many people want to remain children and have the
government be their daddy.
Grow up and start adulting!

Friday, February 28, 2025


This documentary should be shown at EVERY SCHOOL!
So every child appreciates their family’s and never ever
pick of kids with less then them.

“They got money for wars but can’t feed the poor”

Poverty in the USA: Being Poor in the World's Richest Country | ENDEVR D...

In 2019, 43 million people in the United States lived below the poverty line, twice as many as it was fifty years before. 1.5 million children were homeless, three times more than during the Great Depression in the 1930s. Entire families are tossed from one place to another to work unstable jobs that barely allow them to survive. In the historically poor Appalachian mining region, people rely on food stamps for food. In Los Angeles, the number of homeless people has increased dramatically. In the poorest neighborhoods, associations offer small wooden huts to those who no longer have a roof. It’s not getting better. It seems to be getting worse.

Why More Americans Are Being Pushed Into Poverty | CNBC Marathon

What's crazy in the United States is that you can have a full-time job,
be homeless, and the U.S. government will not consider you to be
living in poverty because you make too much, yet you can't afford
to rent, let alone buy a house.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Random Acts of Kindness That Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity !

Homelessness In America: Alarming Rise Of Homeless Crisis In 2024

And people all around the globe were dreaming of that "american dream"
....what a trap

this is heartbreaking nobody should have to live like this

It is possible to provide proper housing and nourishment for
all homeless Americans.

Millions donated to other countries for war but can't feed their own
citizens - unbelievable and shameful.

Illegals took a lot of housing from homeless Americans.

Trump Starts Rounding Up Migrants… in Mexico

Cartel is doomed if any military are killed.

The situation is getting only a little better. Safety at the border is a
big issue and needs a very forceful US response.

It’s about time our military protects our borders instead of a foreign country.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Inside America's #1 Epidemic

I spent 6 years homeless in Phoenix, now clean and sober
for almost 2 years. Its totally a mindset

Gang Loots Entire Neighborhood… As NYC Collapses

Seriously New York? After ALL that Alvin has done or NOT done,
why why why keep him around? Sounds like the stupidity in Minneapolis!

Bring in ICE !!

Bring in the Police !

Get rid of Democrat leaders.

Bring back Law and order.

Bring in the Feds.... !

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Leanne's Stories | Are We Gonna Eat Anything

Funny clean awesome lady  ! 

“Deport Them All” — Who’s to Blame for Springfield’s Immigrant Crisis?

Co. Counsel paid zero attention to the huge negative
impact to the community as a whole.

I used to work state animal control and we would get more
"immigrants eating animal" calls than you'd expect.

Reading the comments it seemed like no one heard

these people telling County Counsel about all the problems

the Haitians where causing. Hundreds of people complained.

Yet no one caught that ?? Prices going sky high?? The video

maker never spoke about this, but the people sure did.

What about all the folks saying," We need help, both Federal

and State. Police, EMT's and Fire department don't have enough

people to coop with all these Haitians. Nor the schools or Hospitals."

When you make a video and you miss what the common American is saying

and the whole time you are playing politics. Many Vidoes

of Police arresting a Haitian(s) for eating cats. Families pet cat. Get the police

video up bro. The cats hair was coming out of her mouth.

I think springfield business wanted migrants so the city covertly
invited migrants. Springfield saw opportunity to collect a per migrant
fee from DC to accept them. But, this democrat and republican
landlords and businesses paid zero attention to the huge negative
impact to the community as a whole.

You’re On The Alt-Right Pipeline.

I don't think they realize, nothing has moved me as strongly
to the right as the left.

"Cool passing?" "Shouldn't be allowed to support Trump?"

These people are deranged.

Just wait till they learn that not all republicans agree with each other.

This young lady gets it. All could learn from here. All. Smart, bold, not
shy about speaking the TRUTH. She used to be a Democrat - Not any more.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Trump Blocks 16,000 Migrants Entering NYC… From Canada

Turn the governors mansion into a shelter and let
her live with them!!!!!

Biden did this to Americans and Illegals ....

News media is a joke

  Two thousand years ago, when Jesus came up out of the grave, He defeated everything that can hold you back. He took care of it once and for all. The Scripture says, “He rendered the enemy powerless.”

Friday, February 21, 2025

Good Guy With A Gun Stops Amazon Warehouse Shooting Proving Gun Free Zon...

“Gun-free” zones are only gun-free until they’re not—
at which point those who obeyed the law are at a
grievous disadvantage against those who didn’t.

“My 15 year Section 8 run is over!” Trump vs. Section 8

Ain’t nobody jealous that you got more kids than you can care for.

Bragging about government assistance is NOT A FLEX🤯

The TRUTH Of The White Slave Trade - History In Minutes

When will we teach the truth about slavery?? In our schools.
White Slavery was started long before the Americas were
even found.

All of this history is true, slavery has been very well documented
through out the millenia. The question I have is why has it been
ignored in its teaching except for slavery in the US ?

Slavs means white slaves.

Arabs had white slaves as far back as 900 AC.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

"Illegals Get Free Everything In California..." Mexican American Woman E...

I live in California. She's absolutely right. Newsom is running us
into the ground, and bragging about it.

I got my green card in 1999 naturalized in 2007 the process to come to
U.S was insane. I remember my mom and 2 other siblings receiving food
stamps for a few months and that was it …. No section 8 or nothing after
that. When I started seeing what this illegals were receiving over the
veterans and homeless I went full trump.

California lady here.. They also get housing.. Section 8 has been
closed for 15 years.. When the illegals came, they opened Section 8. And this is why I voted for Trump.. And that is why many Latinos voted for Trump.. And yes, they got reparations.

ICE to Deport 600,000 Venezuelans... as NYC Migrants Panic


The problem is NYC is putting illegal immigrants first and not helping citizens.

Bring in ICE and the Military.

Chicago wants Trump and ICE to come in.

STUNNING Footage of Delta 4819 CRASH!

It's a miracle they survive that after the previous airlines incidents
it's a traumatic experience. Respect to the crew for being
professional no matter what.

Wind shear got them.

God saved them.......

A-10 Pilot UNLOADS On Taliban Platoon (*GRAPHIC FOOTAGE*) Combat Footage

God Bless America and our Brave men and women.  

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

White Slavery by Muslims / Arabs been around since 909. Yet we never hear about this. White folks did not start Slavery. Whites were the Slaves. Whites ended Slavery. Educate yourself.


White slavery (also white slave trade or white slave trafficking) refers to the enslavement of any of the world's European ethnic groups throughout human history, whether perpetrated by non-Europeans or by other Europeans. Slavery in ancient Rome was frequently dependent on a person's socio-economic status and national affiliation, and thus included European slaves. It was also common for European people to be enslaved and traded in the Muslim world; European women, in particular, were highly sought-after to be concubines in the harems of many Muslim rulers. Examples of such slavery conducted in Islamic empires include the Arab slave trade, the Barbary slave trade, the Ottoman slave trade, and the Black Sea slave trade, among others.

Many different types of white people were enslaved. On the European continent under feudalism, there were various forms of status applying to people (such as serfbordarvilleinvagabond, and slave) who were indentured or forced to labour without pay.

During the Arab slave trade, Europeans were among those traded by the Arabs.[1] The term Saqaliba (Arabicصقالبة) was often used in medieval Arabic sources to refer specifically to Slavs being traded by the Arabs, but it could also refer more broadly to Central, Southern, and Eastern Europeans who were also traded by the Arabs, as well as all European slaves in some Muslim-controlled regions like Spain, including those abducted from raids on Spanish Christian kingdoms.[2][3] During the era of the Fatimid Caliphate  (909–1171),  the majority of slaves were Europeans taken from European coasts and during conflicts.[1] Similarly, the Ottoman slave trade that included European captives was often fueled by raids into European territories or were taken as children in the form of a blood tax from the families of citizens of conquered territories to serve the empire for a variety of functions.[4] In the mid-19th century, the term 'white slavery' was used to describe the Christian slaves that were sold into the Barbary slave trade in North Africa  

The white slave trade continued into the 1800s, but the practice declined after the Barbary pirates were defeated in war. The term "white slavery" has also been used to refer to the forced prostitution of women in Europe and the United States. 
  • White slavery in North Africa:
    • Between 1530 and 1780, North African pirates enslaved between 1 million and 1.25 million white Europeans.
    • The white slave trade continued even after the Slavery Abolition Act was passed in Britain in 1833.
    • The Barbary empires declined after the United States, Britain, and other European nations defeated the Barbary pirates in war.
White slavery in Europe and the United States