Thursday, March 6, 2025

We Have A Mental Health Crisis In This Country.

I’ve worked as an ER RN for 16 years and I’ve dealt with a lot of Psych patients. I’ve never had a Trans Patient that didn’t have a whole slew of multiple psych conditions. Usually a combination of the Borderline/Narcissistic/Historionic/Oppositional Defiant/Panic disorders. They’re extremely manipulative and will go from extremely nice to your worse enemy in the blink of an eye. It’s like dealing with a 4 year old. I see them with a lot of malingering tendencies, conversions symptoms (faking siezures for pain meds/personal gains). I had a frequent flier who would go into a catatonic event or seizure after she got “yelled at” by her boss. I had another one who would fall asleep at work and to avoid trouble, he would claim Suicida! Ideation. This would happen often, weekly. This was a Military facility. These people are an emotional black-hole of need and are a nightmare to deal with. I will not go into a room alone with one; it’s a liability. The unfortunate thing is, family members and society enable this behavior.

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