Wednesday, October 23, 2019

I'll never think of myself as "wise beyond my years"... but I know this...

I'm not a guru or a safe by any means. I'll never think of myself as "wise beyond my years"... but I know this... not everybody is going to want to celebrate your little victories with you or be around to help you mourn your losses. in my experience, these can be done myself the way I see fit. It's okay to be alone in these events because they pepper our lives. As long as they are done. I'm not preaching but scripture even says there's a time for celebration and a time for mourning. It never says that everyone will be there for you while you do it. Just let it be done. Repress nothing. You're only as sick as your secrets, and I've noticed that's a pretty generic observation. Just do what you feel your heart, your mind, and your body agree is best for you. Who cares if you dance like Carlton from Fresh Prince to some 60's maltshop music in the privacy of your own bathroom while singing in a hairbrush microphone... you celebrated you. Who cares if you were drooling and sobbing in front of the tv with a bucket of cookie dough ice cream praying all the calories out alone because you lost someone or something dear... you mourned. Now you can move on. Never be ashamed of your feelings. Never be afraid of public opinion when it's your health and happiness at stake. Sooner or later, those that judged will realize you were doing the right thing for you.


 #justbeyou #justdoyou #selflove #behappy #love #life #choosehappy #live